iamJohnScott Transformative Coach
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I am a certified Transformative Coach. I work with individuals, groups and businesses to uncover the core principles of innate wellbeing, resilience and creativity.


A former Creative Director, I was introduced to a new understanding of how the mind works whilst looking for ways to develop my creative potential. What I found in this new understanding had a profound effect on me.

I realised that it was not only the key to my creativity but that it was the key for lasting positive change in all areas of my life. The clarity and impact of this realisation led to me to leave the design industry, train as a coach, and set up my practice.

My purpose is now simple: to help others see the truth in these powerful principles of the mind for themselves.

Central to this purpose is my belief in the ability of visual arts and media to communicate ideas simply and directly. In addition to working as a coach, I exercise my love for artistic expression by bringing my insights and understanding to life visually through a variety of creative projects.




I work with clients to help them see for themselves their innate capacity for natural wellbeing, resilience and creativity, regardless of how they currently see themselves or their circumstances.


My coaching is grounded in understanding what the core principles of mind are and how they create our experience moment to moment.

The transformation occurs not from my clients learning to control or change elements of their character or their situation but from seeing how a simple misunderstanding of our human functioning can profoundly affect the way we all experience life.

It’s the removal of this misunderstanding that is transformational. It brings clarity and enables us to see clearer and live closer to who we really are and what we are truly capable of, both personally and professionally.

I work with individuals in both weekly and intensive formats, with groups either as a one off talk or a seminar series, and with business’s working with employees one to one or in a team workshop.





 "I have what I call a new "operating system" of how I deal with life. It's amazing! It is such a simple but profound perspective and way of operating in the world. It is very empowering. I am full of gratitude that I met John when I did as our sessions have made a significant impact on my life." 

Delilah, 46, Entrepreneur 



"As a result of my sessions with John, I feel so much more relaxed in myself and my life. I have so much more clarity in my mind now. I don't get worried or as stressed about life "problems", and when I do I am ok with that as well. There is greater joy in my life and I enjoy doing things that I never normally did in the past. I feel great! Of course like every person I have my ups and downs. However, the understanding that I learned from John has allowed me to live my life to the fullest and enjoy my life regardless of what is happening around me."

George, 27, Buyer



"I found the sessions very interesting. The concept was fascinating and John carefully calibrated his questions to get me to really think about my responses.  It was actually quite hard to make that effort to truly look at my thought processes and emotional impulses, but very rewarding when the penny dropped!"

June, 56, Development Coordinator



"I would 100% recommend having regular sessions with John.  He has a very special way of guiding people to an understanding of these principles with compassion, humour and patience. You can be sure that John will really listen to you, and help you find your own wisdom that will carry you through life in a more gentle and relaxed way than you may have experienced before."

Emma, 42, Production Assistant




If you would like to get in touch, please contact me using the form below